Report on Indigenous language learners – an update

The First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) is a First Nations-led crown corporation with the mandate to support the revitalization of First Nations languages, arts, and cultures in British Columbia. iilo helped the FPCC to establish solid brand elements, report on language revitalization progress, and share success stories.
Communication design challenge
The First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) provides funding and resources to communities, monitors the status of First Nations languages, and develops policy recommendations for First Nations leadership and government.

This 2018 Report on the Status of BC First Nations Languages is an update to the report we designed in 2014. It provides detailed data collected in 2018 on the current status of BC’s First Nations languages, with information about numbers of speakers, learners, and available resources. The number of semi-fluent First Nations language speakers has increased significantly since 2014, and this report highlights some of the successful revitalization initiatives taking place in communities across the province.

iilo designed and art directed the report, to be used primarily on screen (i.e. read digitally as an interactive PDF) and as a printed piece, taking into consideration accessibility for a wide range of readers. One of our main objectives was to present a lot of information without overwhelming the reader. Small infographics were designed in the report to both highlight the positive changes taking place and provide a variety of of socio-economic information.
Colour was used to highlight and differentiate the seven different language families and the dialects within each. We also incorporated a Canadian-designed syllabics font called Huronia into the report, as we now consider it a core part of the FPCC brand. Cover illustration was created by Syilx artist Janine Lott (commissioned directly by our client).